Sunday, September 18, 2011

Niagara Falls

I just completed this piece (24"x30") in time for my sister Judith to bring it home with her to Seattle (USA) on Sept 13, 2011. "Phew! I literally 'marathon' through it within 2 months compare to my previous piece (Niagara Falls) that took me 4+months to complete."

I do not like to paint the same thing again but this is exceptional because Judith wanted a "Niagara Falls", so, I did it. The two paintings (although from the same photo) did not turn out exactly the same because this is art and is not a print or a photocopy.

Now, I will go back to paint the two pelicans (entitled "Loving couples") which I stopped because I need to finish this one. The "loving couples" will be a wedding gift for my beloved niece Kathy & husband-to-be. Lately, I seem to be painting gifts for people who are special to me. To me, such gift is invaluable and carries my very personal touch.
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