Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"I'm a special pearl"

This is the smallest piece I've ever painted. A girl-friend gave me a very small canvas (8"x6") for one of my birthdays...I kept it for some time, didn't really know what to do with it. Then.....

I wanted to try on something new....monochrome, to paint a picture with one-family color (basically blue), and I selected to paint a pearl.

I have always wanted to paint a pearl to express that everyone is special and unique in God's eyes...we are all very precious. This is indeed a very special pearl full of lustre, showing its splendour resting at the sea-bed....reflecting the glory of God to its surroundings. We can all shine like this small pearl if we allow God to use us wherever we are....even in the deep ocean.

I took almost 1&half months to paint this small piece, entitled "I'm special" on 22 July 2008. My next piece will be a large one (48"x24"). Lastly, I want to say to you (my reader), "you're special"! Thanks for 'tuning' into my blog of paintings.....hope you're enjoying them so far.
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