Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"I'm a special pearl"

This is the smallest piece I've ever painted. A girl-friend gave me a very small canvas (8"x6") for one of my birthdays...I kept it for some time, didn't really know what to do with it. Then.....

I wanted to try on something new....monochrome, to paint a picture with one-family color (basically blue), and I selected to paint a pearl.

I have always wanted to paint a pearl to express that everyone is special and unique in God's eyes...we are all very precious. This is indeed a very special pearl full of lustre, showing its splendour resting at the sea-bed....reflecting the glory of God to its surroundings. We can all shine like this small pearl if we allow God to use us wherever we are....even in the deep ocean.

I took almost 1&half months to paint this small piece, entitled "I'm special" on 22 July 2008. My next piece will be a large one (48"x24"). Lastly, I want to say to you (my reader), "you're special"! Thanks for 'tuning' into my blog of paintings.....hope you're enjoying them so far.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mother's Love

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Mother's Love

I always paint landscape and find it a great challenge to paint people because it is difficult to translate the person's feelings and expression into the picture.

This is a bold attempt and it took me about 5 months to complete (just finished on 9 June 2008). I'm trying to capture the bonding expression between the mother and her baby...showing the nature of a mother's tender love for her young.

This woman is probably from the minority ethnic group in China, based on her colorful head-scarf. She may be a farmer's wife who also works in the field because she is rather tanned.

I hope you'll like this piece, entitled, "Mother's Love", especially dedicated to all the wonderful mothers!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Wilderness

This oil painting is entitled "The Wilderness". I took about 4 months to complete it on 21st Dec. 2007.

Used combination techniques:
glued sand and brush for the lower land; the upper land and 'concave' mountain range is done by knife; the distant mountain range and sky are done by brush.

This is quite a challenging piece to me, in the sense that I need to express the dryness of the land in the wilderness and yet the life of the small oasis that provided streams of water to create little brooks which run into the parched soil. And, the sheep were wandering in the wilderness in search of water, and they finally found an oasis!

This reminds me at one point of my life, I too went through a journey of wilderness in search of the oasis of living water to quench my thirst, and when I found it, I'm so blessed (happy)!

May you be blessed too!!
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