Thursday, November 02, 2006

"Spring in Scotland"

I just completed this "Spring in Scotland" on 30th October, 2006. I've finally completed painting the four seasons. Somehow, I like this piece very much, probably because I like castles and flowers, spring is beautiful. I hope you'll enjoy this piece next attempt will be painting the "Grand Canyons" using the knife-technique. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Unforgettable Autumn

Title: Unforgettable Autumn

I've just completed this oil painting "Unforgettable Autumn" on 10 July, 2006. It was done by the knife technique.

This picture was taken in beautiful Jiuzhaigou, China, I would love to visit one day. Autumn is absolutely gorgeous in Jiuzhaigou, I am sure, my painting cannot portray a fraction of its real beauty.

I am now painting "Spring in Scotland", with this, I will complete the four seasons of the year. Stay tune....for Spring to come.

Painting is something to enjoy and not to rush through. So, I hope you'll enjoy seeing my paintings as much as I enjoy painting them.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Aurora (Northern Light) in Alaska

I've just completed this piece on 12 June 2006. It is entitled "Aurora (Northern Light) in Alaska". I feel that this painting is far from doing justice to the real northern light. The aurora is so beautiful when the light dances and moves in different colours in the Alaskan's dark winter sky. It is really one of the world's wonders and a breath-taking sight! I hope I'll be able to witness the aurora one day......still dreaming.....

The glow from the cabin's windows is an inspiration from the famous artist Thomas Kinkade's style. Of course, this is of no comparison to his beautiful art-pieces!! Posted by Picasa

Singapore by night

I completed this painting on 24 April 2006, entitled "Singapore by night". This was my first attempt to paint a night scene and also on my own nation (Singapore).

This photo was taken during last year's (2005) National Day about 7:30 pm. You can see part of Singapore River, Benjamin's Bridge, Fullerton Hotel and the tall skyscapers behind the hotel along Shenton Way.

I kind of like this piece....hope you'll like it too.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

In the Beginning

I've just completed this piece of oil-painting, entitled "In the Beginning" on 13th Feb. 2006.

This piece is adopted from Genesis 1:1 - "In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth...."

Then God said, "Let there be light!" And light began to shine. God saw the light, and He knew it was good....
Then God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered together so the dry land will appear." And it happened. God named the dry land "earth". And God named the water that was gathered together "seas". God saw this was good.

We all know creation does not come in a BIG BANG by accident....there is a CREATOR and He is God. Everything was created in order and it was good in the beginning. Can you 'see' God speaking through the clouds? This is how it all begins......God spoke and created the heavens and the earth.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Sunrise Sunset


You'll see my first oil-painting, entitled "Sunrise Sunset". This is the beginning of my art journey..... I've written a poem to go with this painting. This is 'food for your thots'....

"Sunrise Sunset"

"Sunrise sunset, sunrise sunset....
Wonder who created the sun and the earth?
Why does the sun have to rise and then set?
What if the sun refuses to rise?
The curtain of rays cannot roll in while the sun stands still,
We will live in darkness without sunrise sunset.
Who commands when the sun must rise and when it is to set?
Who determines when our life begins and when it will end?"

"God is fair - He gives each one of us the same hours a day, not a minute more or a minute less.
Are we going through the motion from sunrise to sunset?
Too busy to pause - thanking Him for each sunrise and sunset.
What if tomorrow is our last sunrise and sunset will not come?
Would we ever wonder what we have done with our life -
Is our dream fulfilled and our goal met?
Regret for not living to the fullest in every sunrise sunset."

"Whether we are strong or weak, happy or sad;
Going through mundane chores or challenges ahead;
Recuperating from ailment or mourning a loss,
The sun will rise and the sun will set.
But God's mercy is new every morning -
His grace is sufficient for today and will replenish for tomorrow.
Thank God for every sunrise sunset, sunrise sunset....."

(this painting was done in January 2004 and the poem was written in November 2004 when I was recuperating from my right eye operation.)