Saturday, December 24, 2005

Winter in Korea

hi folks,

I'm trying to share with you my 6th piece of painting, entitled "Winter in Korea". This was done by a different technique that is new to me. Instead of the usual brushes, I used spatula (a broad blade). It was quite a challenge....and I like it, I can almost feel the snow flakes. You can't really see its textures and strokes unless you see the real painting. This is just a glimpse....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A stroll in the drizzle

"Strolling in the drizzle in Venice" went to an art exhibition at Kreta Ayer Community Center on December 3-5, 2005. The exhibition was honored and opened by Dr. Lily Neo (MP of Kreta Ayer Constituency).

The Mandarin title is very romantic, entitled "Xiao Yu Zhong De Man Bu" (hanyu piyin). Sorry, my painting is not for sale. Share with you to enjoy it!

Monday, December 19, 2005

FCBC Deaf Christmas Celebration

We had a wonderful Deaf Christmas Celebration on 18th December, 2005 at Roland Restaurant with 150 turnout. We thank God that everything went on smoothly and everyone had a wonderful time!

This picture was taken with all the helpers, without them, this event won't be a success! Thank them for their hard-work.

7th painting - Summer at the Lighthouse

This painting is one of my favourites, a lighthouse. It took me about 2 months to complete. This is my latest, done in November 2005.

I named it "Summer at the Lighthouse". Hope you all like it. Pat

2nd painting - Ray of Hope

Although I like art in school but have not pursue this 'hobby' because I was so very bogged down by work and daily demands on me.

One of my close girl-friends went for art class at a Community Center and she encouraged me to pick it up. Not that I am very free now, but that 'seed of art' within me is revived and I thought if I don't do it now, then, when?

So, my journey of art began when I joined my girlfriend in the CC to do oil painting in December 2003. This is my third painting, entitled "Ray of Hope".

I believe anyone can paint and we have that ingrained in us as our Creator is the greatest artist....look around you, surely, you'll agree with me, and look at yourself, you're God's master-piece!

I've written a poem to accompany with this painting....hope this will inspire you.

"Ray of HOPE"

"If we've HOPE, our world is a place of bloom,
If we've no HOPE, our world is a place of gloom.
Without HOPE - many a dream perished, dragging each day at length,
Only HOPE gives us the will to live and be a pillar of our strength."

"When sickness befalls - don't give up HOPE,
When calamity comes - don't give up HOPE,
When we grow old and our body degenerates - don't give up HOPE.
HOPE motivates and energizes us to live joyfully - NEVER GIVE UP HOPE."

"Animals live and animals die - they're born without a HOPE,
But we're born with a HOPE and die with a HOPE,
Even the sting of death cannot rob HOPE away from our soul.
Look! God's ray of HOPE is always there for us and it is so."