Sunday, December 15, 2019

"Cranes" (acrylic painting)

I did this acrylic painting on 25 October, 2019.  It is entitled "cranes" on a 14"x10" canvas.  It gives that chinese painting look with another technique. This 12 sessions of basic acrylic painting class had been a good experience for me, quite enjoyable too.

"A close-up Rose" (acrylic painting)

I painted this "close-up rose" on 18 October, 2019.  
It took me 6 hours to paint this piece on a 14"x10" canvas.  
I just learned how to do acrylic painting and find it quite challenging.

Acrylic Painting: "Spring in the Woods"

This is my latest acrylic painting entitled "Spring in the Woods".  I painted this on 29 November 2019, it took me 6 hours to paint this piece of 19.5"x15.5" canvas.  I like landscape more than portrait or still-life.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019


I have not been painting for a long time, always wanted to do pottery one day.
Finally, I went for pottery night class April last year (2018) at LaSalle with a few girl-friends. 
I made several pieces.

Monday, December 31, 2012


From left to right back row:  Mary Chan (HI), Luna, Bessie (HI),  Rosalind, Pat (me), Tina (HI);
front row from left: Mary Lee (HI) and Namiko (our hula teacher).
We were practising for 2012 Christmas to perform at the Deaf Christmas celebration (Dec 15), and at Orchard Road Tong Building (Dec 21)...thank God for the opportunity to be able to worship Him this Christmas in hula-worship...thank God for providing us a wonderful teacher, Namiko.  It was a great experience for all of us....we enjoyed it although a bit stress because we had less than 1 month to practice 2 songs ('O Holy Night' and 'Shout to the Lord').
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Niagara Falls

I just completed this piece (24"x30") in time for my sister Judith to bring it home with her to Seattle (USA) on Sept 13, 2011. "Phew! I literally 'marathon' through it within 2 months compare to my previous piece (Niagara Falls) that took me 4+months to complete."

I do not like to paint the same thing again but this is exceptional because Judith wanted a "Niagara Falls", so, I did it. The two paintings (although from the same photo) did not turn out exactly the same because this is art and is not a print or a photocopy.

Now, I will go back to paint the two pelicans (entitled "Loving couples") which I stopped because I need to finish this one. The "loving couples" will be a wedding gift for my beloved niece Kathy & husband-to-be. Lately, I seem to be painting gifts for people who are special to me. To me, such gift is invaluable and carries my very personal touch.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I started this piece (oil-painting) on 13 Dec 2010 and then stopped after 1&half month because of Chinese New Year and other matters I need to handle at home. So, it just sat there for a while....until 21 June, 2011 when I resumed my painting. Alas! "Reflection" (also known as "Serenity") was completed on 28 June 2011.

The reflection here is not like a mirror. This reflection can be a bit distorted because of the constant movement of the water that is alive. This gives life to Reflection with its beauty and serenity.

This picture of red Swiss chalets sitting at the lake with a back-drop of mountain is taken from none other than scenic Switzerland.

I am going to enjoy "Reflection" as much as I can now because soon in October it will be migrating to a gift to my cousin who lives in Australia.

Please tune in for my next painting.....while you enjoy my "Reflection".
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Friday, April 09, 2010


I just finsihed this piece entitled "Patience", showing the blue heron waiting patiently for her food (fish).....Hopefully, some day, I'll write a poem attach to "patience".

This piece took me about two months to complete - Feb 1 to 5 April, 2010. I find the bird's feathers and the water ripples quite challenging to paint....hope you like it.

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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Cherry blossoms

This is my latest piece of oil painting, entitled "cherry blossoms". It took me 3 months (Nov 2, 2009- Feb 1, 2010) to complete, just in time for the Lunar New Year, adding colors to my flat and cheer to visitors.

This piece was painted for my long-time good girl-friend (Sharon Gan) who recently bought her new flat at Ponggol. This is my special gift for her house-blessing. This picture was selected by her, the canvas
measured 36"x18", quite a big piece.

I added sand to the path, to give it a real texture. I enjoyed the process of this painting. This would be my second piece of painting to give away, for a special reason. Hope you like this piece as much as I do.
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